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Hope Notes for Moms: Tell Your Loved Ones What You Need

Hope Notes for Moms: Tell Your Loved Ones What You Need

Dear Mama,

You are doing such wonderful work, and sometimes you need a break. In a perfect world the people who love you would offer you exactly what you need, but often they don’t know how to help. Don’t be afraid to let your partner, family and friends know what you need. Maybe it’s a morning to sleep in, or an evening out with the girls. Or maybe you just need to skip the bedtime routine one night and take a walk or read a book in your bedroom alone. You deserve all of these things and if you don’t ask for them others might not think to offer.

Take good care of yourself, mama!
​~A mom from Boston​

Hope Notes for Moms: Don’t Forget the Basics

Hope Notes for Moms: Don’t Forget the Basics

Dear Mama,

You do such a good job at making sure your kids are well-fed but sometimes you forget to nourish yourself. We all know that what we put into our bodies is important, but sometimes we get overwhelmed by the pace of life and we don’t feel like we have time to plan our own food. Make sure you eat breakfast and have some healthy snacks during the day. Put some fruit on the counter or bring it to work so you can have it nearby when you get hungry. Try to drink more water and limit the sweets.

This all seems so basic but when life is busy we forget that starting with this foundation will help us face the day with more energy, which will help us in our jobs as mothers.

~ A fellow mom

Hope Notes for Moms: First, Take a Breath

Hope Notes for Moms: First, Take a Breath

Dear Mama,

You live such a busy life. There are many demands on your time and energy, not to mention the fears and doubts you might have about being a good parent. With every meltdown and mess from our children, with every snippy interaction with our partners, and with every moment we feel slighted or judged by others, we have a choice about how we want to react. Before you do anything, take a breath. It will help you gather your thoughts, feel slightly more grounded, and slow down the pace. Then, put one foot forward and keep going. You are amazing!

-A mom from New York

Hope Notes for Moms: Our Job is to Listen

Hope Notes for Moms: Our Job is to Listen

My Dear Fellow Mama,

The best piece of advice I ever got as a mother is that my child will tell me what he needs, when he needs it, and what is helpful–my only job is to listen. All the books in the world or pieces of advice from other people or judgments imposed on me by society don’t matter nearly as much as listening to my son. The way he cries, the way he laughs, the way he is quiet, the way he is not quiet–they are all his own unique ways of communicating with me. All I have to do is listen. Listen with my heart, listen with all of me. He intrinsically knows what he needs and I can teach him so much about being healthy by listening to him and showing him how to listen to, and trust, himself.

This has gotten me through all the years of parenting so far and helped me trust my own intuition as a mother in this most sacred of all bonds that is simultaneously incredibly intimidating and incredibly powerful!

~ A Mom from California

Hope Notes for Moms: Believe in Yourself

Hope Notes for Moms: Believe in Yourself

Dear Mama,

Stop worrying! You are doing just fine. There is not a mom out there who hasn’t made mistakes. Learn from them. Being a mom is tough, and you are strong enough to handle this. Don’t stress about what everyone else is doing, what parenting books say, or what others think. You are the mom, you are in control, and you know what your child needs. You are the most important person in your child’s world. That is a pretty awesome place to be. So find those special moments, and hold onto them through the tough times. Enjoy the miracle you created!

Believe in yourself!
~From a mother of three


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