Please Pass the Mindfulness this Thanksgiving
The holidays can be incredibly busy, and sometimes just thinking about them starts to make us feel stressed. There’s planning, purchasing, preparing, maybe traveling and hosting, and navigating relationships and expectations. All of this, of course, is on top of our...
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Easiest Gratitude Exercise Ever
Gratitude seems to be everywhere these days — from journals to books to posters and pillows. There’s a good reason for the focus on gratitude, since research shows that it’s one of the most powerful strengths we can cultivate. Being grateful is good for our health and...
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How the Psychology of Hope Could Be Your Road Map
Remember Pandora from Greek mythology? Pandora was the first human created by the Greek gods who unleashed all the evils into the world when she opened a box that Zeus told her not to touch. Just as she realized that evils like greed, jealousy, anger, and plagues were...
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Starting the Semester with Intention and Positivity
Yes, the Fall semester is upon us. Summer is over and despite all my best intentions to come up with a summer plan to be super productive, I don’t feel like I got enough work done. Now I need to quickly finalize my syllabus, attend college and department...
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Savoring While Parenting: As Simple as Watching a Dog Pee
This morning as I was driving my daughter to school my eyes darted to a house on the right side of the road just as we were approaching the parking lot. I suddenly noticed that there was a really large dog lifting his leg and peeing on a tree in the yard. My eyes went...
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Appreciating the Little Bit of Heartache that Comes with Nostalgia
Teacher gifts have been delivered, goodbyes were exchanged, and now the school folders and backpacks have been emptied. Summer is here! Another set of adventures awaits us as a family in the next few months, but I still cannot believe the year is over. As I look at...
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To the Teachers and Parents Who Make Living with Celiac Disease a Little Easier for Our Child
It’s been a year since our daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease and it’s hard to believe how far we’ve come as a family. At the beginning it was so daunting—we didn’t even know that celiac disease was an autoimmune disorder and we didn’t understand how...
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Faculty Mama: It’s Finally Summer! Now What?
This Summer I vow to not be disappointed with my productivity when August arrives. Even before I had kids I remember summers as a faculty member being bittersweet. I usually started the summer with huge expectations, including a list of unrealistic writing goals and...
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Spring Cleaning: Not Just for Our Homes
Our days as parents are full of unexpected moments, from behaviors to emotions, to interactions with others. In the midst of all the flexibility that is required to roll with these momentary changes, it’s nice to know that some transitions in our lives are completely...
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For Parents Who Feel Overwhelmed About Their Child’s Celiac Disease Diagnosis
Dear Fellow Parent, Though we've never met, we share something important in common: we both have a child with celiac disease. When my 7-year old was first diagnosed, I felt sad and overwhelmed. I knew things could be much worse but I was still extremely worried about...
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